I'd be foolish to think that prayer has not or will not continue to be a major key in this whole transition phase of my life. What I am embarking on began YEARS AGO IN PRAYER. I remember being 18 and 19 years old on my knees (sometimes even on my face) literally weeping before God asking Him what I should do with my life. I was crying not cause I was sad but because I was so moved by God's love and sacrifice for me that using my WHOLE life for Him deeply moved my heart. Crying and weeping was simply an expression of that.
When I realized that God was putting a strong desire for missions on my heart, I BEGAN TO PRAY MORE as to how He would want to have that happen in my life. So through prayer, wise counsel from others, and just using the common sense God gave me, I came to the conclusion that I would head into missions through the avenue of TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language). Thus an arduous 4 YEAR journey into the realm of university began....and boy did I ever need to keep praying through that whole time! It is so easy to lose your true self in those years or to get easliy discouraged and give up on the original reason why you began your studies in the first place. If I had not conitnued praying during those years (and had others lifting me up in prayer) I can guarantee you that I would not be where I am today!
And I should mention, even though I knew roughly what God wanted me to do with my life and where my heart and passions lay, I still had to pray and continually ask God to keep these passions real and burning in my heart until I had the right opportunity to embark on them. I also had to keep praying that God would show me WHAT the right opportunity would be and WHEN the right time would be. I almost quit university at the beginning of my 3rd year cause I thought the right time had come, but because I lacked peace about quitting and because I was praying God had a channel through which He could tell me "No Shannon, this isn't it...keep moving forward....I'll let you know when". I can tell you one thing...I was pretty cheesed off! I wanted to run out and do "God's work" but God knew it wasn't time. And boy am I glad I listened! See we have the choice to obey or not. Often times, WE SCREW UP CAUSE WE DON'T OBEY!
SO....why am I telling you all this....I don't know! I guess cause we need to learn the importance of praying through situations and being led by prayer and God's wisdom. Sometimes we pray for or about things and then just storm off and forget about it and do what we want anyway. The opportunity I have right now to affect lives for eternity's sake in Europe is only because of the pray that was laid down almost 6 years ago! So don't give up!
Over the last few months, I have had a number of people ask me what they could specifically pray for on my behalf. The picture above is a JPEG of my prayer card. Feel free to save it (JUST CLICK ON THE PICTURE) or print it as a reminder of what God is doing in my life right now। I desperately need all of your prayers cause I know God hears them and they make all the difference! I would also appreciate you prauing about how you could partner with me financially to help me get to Europe and help change lives! Simply click on the donation form below, print it, fill it out and mail it to addess at the top of the form. THANK YOU!! :))
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