Oct 30, 2007

How You Can Donate...

So now that you know who I am, what I am about and where I am going would you consider how you might partner with me financially so that this dream and call of mine can finally become a reality?

I should mention that monthly partnership is ideally what I am praying for because it gives my ministry longevity and I can have peace of mind because I know there are faithful people like yourself to help me each month. Monthly support doesn’t mean you have to give exorbitant amounts.

My goal is to find people who can give $50 on a monthly basis. However, if you feel lead to give more, or if you feel you can only give less than that at this moment, that is also greatly appreciated. Adjustments can be made. I am flexible! LOL. One time donations are also greatly appreciated. I should also mention that all donations are tax receiptable.

Would you please prayerfully consider what contribution you can make to God’s kingdom through the work He has set me to do for Him?

If you are interested in helping me, simply follow the steps below to finding my information booklet and donation form:

  1. Click on "Missionaries" (left hand side bar)

  2. Scroll down to my name "MROZINSKI" and click on it

  3. Scroll down my page and click on "Shannon Mrozinski Missions Manifest.pdf"

  4. Browse through my manifest and read about me and my work more

  5. The donation form is on the last page of the manifest

  6. Print it off, fill it out and mail it to the address at the top of the form.

And that is about all you have to do inorder to personally play a part in helping to make my dreams come true!

Thank you so much for expressing the love and interest you have so far in God’s will for my life. Please be sure to check out my blog regularly as it serves as a great way to keep you in the loop as to how I am doing with my missions work and the journey I am on with all this.

And feel free to get in touch with me through email if you have any questions or comments.


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